: Jean-Michel Lemonnier, bloc-notes: actualité de la recherche
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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est actualité de la recherche. Afficher tous les articles

lundi 25 novembre 2024

Călin Georgescu en tête du 1er tour de l'élection présidentielle roumaine


C'était écrit, par moi, en 2015. La recomposition de la particratie roumaine :




Travail prospectif, horizon 10 à 15 ans, écrit en 2015, nous sommes en 2024. Bon timing. ça doit en faire rager un paquet, complètement à côté de la plaque, qui préféraient réciter leurs antiennes sur l'ancrage/attachement solide des Roumains à l'UE.

Et je ne suis même pas payé pour tout ce travail ;)




samedi 3 août 2024

Sortie de deux ouvrages en géopolitique et sciences religieuses

Fatigué de miser sur des éditeurs qui, en plus, ne font même pas leur boulot, voici deux bouquins publiés en format Kindle. ça ne coûte rien et le travail est plutôt réussi, notamment en matière de couverture/mise en page.

1) Un livre en géopolitique dont le manuscrit date de 2016 sur les guerres pour l'Eurasie, thématique largement développée sur ce blogue. J'avais laissé ce manuscrit de côté après avoir essayé de le refourguer à des éditeurs. En vain... Causes invoquées : trop de concepts différents déployés, pas le bon moment, etc.,   alors que je n'avais eu aucun mal avec mes deux premiers livres.  Je suis passé à autre chose. Finalement, le temps m'a largement donné raison concernant les analyses présentées. Le prix (presque) dérisoire  pour un bouquin solide conceptuellement est fixé à  5.99 euros :

Guerres du Rimland, guerre pour l'Eurasie: Géopolitique du grand continent eurasiatique au XXIe siècle


2) Un autre directement lié à mon travail doctoral sur l’Église de Roumanie. Le prix est fixé à 2.69e soit le prix minimal.

L’Église orthodoxe de Roumanie: Éléments de compréhension





dimanche 17 septembre 2023

Psychologie du peuple roumain...

C'est un bouquin que j'ai présenté à plusieurs reprises en bibliographie de travaux universitaires. Les thèses de l'auteur que j'avais résumées dans mes "papiers" ont été rejetées, refusées sans que les "juges" (inquisiteurs) n'en prennent connaissance autrement dit sans avoir lu le bouquin. C'est ça l'université française* aussi aujourd'hui. Par pure IDEOLOGIE. Sous couvert de refus de l'essentialisation, on refuse de prêter attention à des travaux d'ethnopsychologie, de psychologie interculturelle qui pourraient (et c'est sujet à débat bien sûr, c'est tt ce qu'on demande) expliquer bien des choses, en Roumanie et ailleurs, ici par ex. Belle bande de guignols que certains de ces pseudo-chercheurs. Ils ne cherchent pas d'ailleurs, ils ont déjà trouvé.


Psihologia poporului român: profilul psihologic al românilor : într-o monografie cognitiv-experimentală

 Daniel David

 Polirom, 2015 - 395 pages


*Je reviendrai un jour ou l'autre et avec force détails sur ma soutenance de thèse de doctorat, le comportement (la posture) de certains universitaires pendant et après ce travail de recherche... ça promet... notamment sur la violence institutionnelle de gauche...


Ici, c'est un pédopyschiatre qui va dans ce sens, avec mise en avant des facteurs psycho-culturels sur un autre sujet :  


En creux, on lira l'échec lamentable de la gauche et de la droite (en majorité), soit les libéraux libertaires dans leur approche et compréhension de la fameuse question des dites "banlieues" devenues des ghettos ethnico-religieux pour certaines.



vendredi 23 novembre 2018

samedi 25 août 2018




Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Universitatea »1 Decembrie 1918« Alba Iulia
Keywords: Orthodox Christianity; diaspora; Romania; France; Romanian Orthodox church; Occidental Orthodoxy

Summary/Abstract: In this article, we present exploratory elements concerning the Romanian Orthodox Church « outside the borders » by assuming its territorial adaptations as well as a nascent « diaspora ». We explain how this Church organizes itself in Western Europe and particularly in France and how it adapts its structures in this context. We present the situation of ecclesiastical multi-jurisdiction and the issues it raises while examining the conditions of existence of the Romanian Orthodox population in western Europe. In order to do so, we must address the questions of ethno-phyletism or nationalism which irrigate the behavior of the Romanian Orthodox Church outside the borders but also the provisional solutions to remedy this situation. The situation of the Romanian Orthodox Church in France is illuminated. First of all, we retrace a brief history of the Romanian presence in France since the nineteenth century, originally almost exclusively Parisian, while exposing the major stages of the implantation of the Orthodox Church. We highlight the dilemmas faced by the Romanian Orthodox Church and its« diaspora » but also the dynamics committed within this« Orthodox community » to be territorially and socially integrated in France. In the same time, We question the relevance of the use, in this context, of certain notions such as « diaspora ». Finally, we describe the follow-up to this presentation by formulating working hypotheses for the study of the Romanian Orthodox communities at a local level and the results that we can expect.

géographie,article scientifique,Eglise orthodoxe roumaine,orthodoxie occidentale,espaces religieux,Christianisme orthodoxe,France,actualité de la recherche,géographie du fait religieux,ethnophylétisme

  • Issue Year: 18/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 365-390
  • Page Count: 26
  • Language: French

mardi 13 septembre 2016

Les nouvelles relations magyaro-roumaines. Quelles conséquences politiques en Roumanie ? Retours historiques, situation actuelle, perspectives

Les nouvelles relations magyaro-roumaines. Quelles conséquences politiques en Roumanie ? Retours historiques, situation actuelle, perspectives 

The New Hungarian-Romanian Relations: What Will Be the Political Consequences in Romania? Historical Meanders, Actual Situations, Perspectives

Subject(s): History
Published by: Universitatea »1 Decembrie 1918« Alba Iulia
Keywords: Central and Eastern Europe; Romanian political parties; Hungarians in Transylvania; Siculian regionalism; Viktor Orbán
Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on the issue of the legitimacy of the Hungarian ethnic group in Transylvanian space, summarizing the partisan arguments of various historians. It discusses recent political events in Hungary since 2010, with Viktor Orbán’s return to power, exploring how the ruling political party, FIDESZ, occasionally reactivates discussion on the theme of Greater Hungary and various irredentist issues. Speeches from various Romanian political parties are also analysed, including the Romanian government’s official line in response to provocative statements by the Hungarian government and other political groups, such as the far-right nationalist party Jobbik, on the status of the Hungarian minority in Romania. These verbal interventions signal the reactivation within the public debate of pan-Romanianist concepts associated with Corneliu Zedea Codreanu’s Legion of the Archangel Michael (Iron Guard), the military junta of Ion Antonescu, and Nicolae Ceauşescu’s national communism. While Viktor Orbán seems to limit himself to verbal provocations and symbolical measures, some Romanian and Hungarian nationalists are reconnecting with the ethno-nationalist ideologies of the inter-war years, rejecting cosmopolitanism, internationalism and supranational bodies, finding a new audience among citizens hostile to the rulers of the post-communist era. The role of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (HDUR), playing a double political partition in Romania, is also examined. This multifaceted nationalist resurgence, which can even be seen in moderate Romanian political organizations, is symmetrical to the discursive orientations of certain Hungarian political parties outside Romania and, to a lesser extent, within the country (HDUR party). We hypothesize that Viktor Orbán’s return to power and the political tropism toward nationalist themes is indirectly causing a reconfiguration of the Romanian political spectrum. The ideological lines of battle in this mutation-evolution are dominated by a broad anti-Liberal Front movement, which may presage the end of the post-communist era and, indeed, the gradual marginalization of communist dissidents who converted to social liberalism. In other words, the positions of certain Hungarian politicians regarding Hungarian minorities in Romania could herald, in response, the marginalization of the ruling Romanian political class, bringing medium to long-term benefits in terms of new poles of political perspective and a new political system.
LIEN VERS L'ARTICLE : https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=426234

jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Publication scientifique : Un dialogue fécond entre société archaïque et monde moderne : Brânduş et Agrippine dans la nouvelle « La fille du capitaine » de Mircea Eliade

  • Language: French
  • Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
  • Issue: 2/16/2015
  • Page Range: 24-49
  • No. of Pages: 26
  • Keywords: modernity; archaic societies; Mircea Eliade; globalization; archetypes; historicism; education
  • LIEN : https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=414580
  • Summary/Abstract: In the last chapter of "The Myth of the Eternal Return", Mircea Eliade confronts two types of conceptions of the existence peculiar to two categories of human being: the modern man who claims to make history and the archaic man, anhistorical who complies with archetypes, sacred prototypes, for whom this is the only reality. We hypothesize that the Roman scientist imagined a meeting between these two persons in the novel "The Captain's Daughter". We will see that the discussion between Brânduş and Agrippine which may appear senseless, to the point that we could consider we are reading a "dialogue of the deaf", a inapprehensible fictional narrative -the postmodern writing serving this impression- is at the same time an opposition and a fertile confrontation revealing the coexistence of two worlds, in prima facie, apart from each other. Mythos against logos, holistic education and respect for biocosmic rhythms against academic culture, etc. are all antagonisms that the conversation between the two protagonists puts into perspective, notably according to the Philippe Descola's ontological scheme. So, if the characters don't get along well, their disagreements allow to discover the criticism that archaic man would make to the modern man and vice versa. Consequently, if at the end of the conversation between Brânduş and Agrippine, the apparent lack of comprehension seems reciprocal, the finding of such disagreement gives us the opportunity to progress in the understanding of two worlds and what one should or can bring to the other. After having raised the realistic elements of the story, we will explore the hypotheses which seem to us the less complete but nevertheless interesting concerning the nature of the two characters (psychoanalytic approach of the behaviours, mythocriticism, comparison with historical and literary figures, similarity between Brândus with the primordial child or the puer aeternus and l'Emile of Jean-Jacques Rousseau...) then propose an analysis to bring us to answer this question : Does Eliade try to show, through this novel, that there is no solution of continuity between the world of the tradition of the archaic man and the modern world, as in his academic work ? Moreover, reading the "Captain's Daugther" gives us a awfully basis for reflection in our time of the reign of increasingly weighing of standardization of individuals, and allows to envisage a possible archeomodern human existence transcending the ontological cleavage between archaism and modernity. 
  • samedi 5 décembre 2015

    Attentat déjoué en Roumanie le jour de la fête nationale et considérations sur les nationalismes

    Attentat déjoué en Roumanie, je jour de la fête nationale, le 1er décembre, à Târgu Secuiesc situé dans le "très hongrois" département de Covasna ("pays Sicule" (1)), en région historique deTransylvanie. Pour ceux qui ignorent à peu près tout de la géopolitique interne et de l'histoire de la Roumanie (Roumain moyen et natios orbanolâtres et pro-Jobbik français y compris) : la Transylvanie est roumaine ! Quand on sait qu'un bon nombre de Hongrois de Roumanie ne parlent pas un mot de roumain et que rien n'est fait pour que cela change, la seule solution qui s'impose, de fait, c'est un changement de régime et mise en place d'une politique de roumanisation des minorités magyares. Souvenir d'une discussion avec un universitaire (!) roumain "de souche" : pour lui, les Hongrois ne sont pas irrédentistes...parce que ses quelques collègues hongrois ne le sont pas...Bref...
    Ce terroriste (voir la video) avec ses rêves de Grande Hongrie et tous les subversifs de la 5e colonne du Jobbik et du Fidesz en Roumanie devraient accepter la nationalité hongroise et renoncer à la roumaine ! La révision de Trianon est soutenue par natios germanolâtres donc anti-Français et à mots à peine couverts par les régionalistes européistes "minoritaristes" toutes tendances confondues. Natios crétins "austro-hongrois" et gauchistes "(dé-)constructeurs" se donnent la main. Même engeance !
    "L'alliance de tous les nationalistes européens" est une des antiennes préférées des mononeurones politiquement analphabètes. Même si les est-Européens sont en moyenne aussi apathiques que leurs voisins de l'ouest, si ces irrédentistes hongrois venaient à durcir leurs actions (au-delà de leurs appels incantatoires à une union des turco-magyaro-mongols, pseudo-communauté linguistico-génétique d'Eurasie ; eh oui ils sont pro-turcs), Slovaquie, Roumanie, Serbie feraient le choix de rallier définitivement un camp atlantiste qui préserverait leur intégrité territoriale. C'en serait, définitivement, fini du projet "eurasiste".
    Ce que j'ai écrit dans un article à paraître et lisible en pré-publication (Les nouvelles relations magyaro-roumaines - document de travail, référence : halshs-01179263, v1), dont la première rédaction date de 2013 et qui a été modifié "sur demande" pour les raisons sus-citées (cf. universitaire roumain) commence à prendre un caractère presque prophétique.

    Article de 2013 : https://apologeticum.wordpress.com/2013/03/24/ungurii-militeaza-pentru-diktatul-de-la-bruxelles-prin-care-vor-obtinerea-ardealului-romanii-tradatori-ii-ajuta-cersind-cetatenia-maghiara/

    (1) L'implantation des Sicules sur le territoire roumain (voïvodat de Transylvanie) n'est guère antérieure au XIIe ou XIIIe siècle, malgré ce qu'affirment les révisionnistes hongrois

    jeudi 22 janvier 2015


    Publication: Annals of "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia - Philology (15/2/2014)
    Language: French
    Subject: Culture and Society
    Issue: 15/2/2014
    Page Range: 18-37
    No. of Pages: 20

    He will not be here to make yet another comment about a work which is already widely discussed, showing the contributions of thereligious historian regarding the understanding of religious phenomena or theexperience of the sacred, but rather to try to extract work from the materialneeded to build a liberating way for the individual with a hypermodernistattitude. Even more than an alternative path of salvation in the religious sense,it is a revolution of the human being, who has been shrugged off of all hisillusions about politics, world trading, egotistic exchange that takes shapewithin what we call the "eliadean system". We know about the similaritiesbetween Mircea Eliade's and Corneliu Zelea Codreanu's new man, but we musttranscend this identification corresponding to a particular historical contextand review the work of the religious historian to overcome any collusion withany particular political ideology. In a similar manner, we try to show that alarge part of his work - if not all - goes beyond the development of a "newhumanism" and traces a possible path for the insurrection of man by a return to his own center. Therefore, Mircea Eliade would not be the voice of arevolutionary vanguard guiding the man, but the inspiration of a completerevolution of the man who is beyond the world of the technician and of themercantile illusion, which takes place in its "cosmic utterness". Thus, Eliade'swork would carry the answers that can lead us to the end of the night of theillusions of materialistic societies and would predict an insurrection of the realbeing, of the quality who dares to face the reign of quantity and fragmentation,in order to permanently abolish it by a metanoia. So, the work of the Romanianscientist certainly announces - to be sure indirectly - the end of all ideologiesand brings all the stones for the construction of a "non-ideology" or "nonphilosophy"that exceeds all religious and political categories, the base of anew society: a community of the real being. In other words, when talking about his work, Eliade tells us how this nostalgia of origins can be sublimated and become a source of renewal and absolute, leading us to think about the modern world and all its paroxystic extensions as being a historical parenthesis, hopeless, destined to be abolished, in order to make way for the man exempted
    of his alienation, free from all possible burdens: the membership to a social class, varied delusional beliefs, narcissism and self-hate, death anxiety, adoration of immediacy...

     cosmic totality; Mircea Eliade; revolt against, hypermodernity; alienation

    vendredi 16 août 2013

    Les mutations socio-spatiales dans un village de Transylvanie méridionale, face à la perennité des traditions: conflits ou adaptations? (Publication scientifique avec comité de lecture)

    Translated Title: Socio-Spatial Mutations in a South Transylvanian Village Facing the Perenity of Traditions: Conflicts or Adjustments?
    Language: French
    Subject: History of Culture
    Publication: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica (Annals of "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia - Philology)
    Issue: 13/2/2012
    Page Range: 279-296
    File size: 204 KB
    Download Fee: 2.5 Euro (€)
    Summary: Through the significant example of a village called Cărpiniş,
    located in the Southern Carpathians, this article aims to show the existence of a
    social , spatial and cultural opposition in search of a complementary way to
    organize the space linked to a “traditional mentality” or that could be
    considered as such, and facilities at odds with this vision, according to the
    views of the “farmer villager”. A “farmer villager” who sees himself as a
    “native” in comparison with the others that is to say the “foreigners”. We
    emphasize the concept of a“hybrid village” to describe the changes that have
    been taking place in this village of the Transylvanian countryside for decades.
    We are going to argue that these social and spacial upheavals are related to the
    emergence of new lifestyles, new ways of grasping space and time. Our work is
    necessarily part of a multiscalar logic. Once the issues of our study described,
    we will present the situation of the village of Cărpiniş part of the Romanian
    space. Then we will focus on the rather singular socio-spatial setting, of this
    village compared to other Romanian villages: a village held between the
    “checkerboard” and the “village street”. So it is, may be through a “green
    space” community, named “Poiana”, a unifying axis of socio-spatial practices
    of the village, that lies the originality of this village “in the shadow of the
    southern Carpathians”. We will see through the questioning of this community
    nature of 'Poiana' by liberal land policy, and in fact by the arrival of new
    residents in door-to-fake, in most cases with the “values” of this rural area,
    that it’s a great part of the “closed" village solidarity which tends to disappear
    gradually. We will have previously issued a definition of what is a “village” in
    Romania, then by changing our scaling analysis we will focus on a different
    spatial and social unit called “gospodarie” or “Maisnie”. Then we will look
    into the way the older villagers designed their house. A design related as much
    to economic imperatives as to a fulfillment of a “cosmic order” linked to a
    “primordial tradition”. Before, it seems of the utmost importance to mention
    the life of a “farmer-villager” of Transylvania from 1945 to 2012. The analysis
    of the career of this native and his fellows shows what seems to us to be a
    struggle to preserve his identity and a particular conception of time and spacethat we will qualify as “mythical and traditional”. This relationship to the
    world of the “farmer villager” is in opposition to postmodernity which forces
    quickly and rather radically a new socio-spatial and moral order to the
    Transylvanian village. Nevertheless, we will see that in many respects, the
    village retains some “mythical, "transhistorical"aspects”, We will therefore
    insist on the fact that these changes are not only “material”, but also
    symbolical. It is the mental space of the farmer villager which is upset here, and
    brings about the formation of an
    Keywords: Transylvanian village; socio-spatial changes; Romanian
    rural area; post-modernity; tradition

      Lien : http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/issuedetails.aspx?issueid=0283a78e-baa2-4b7d-ab18-7e2a05edf483&articleId=8d33d22f-2417-4868-a470-cafc290ec242