: Jean-Michel Lemonnier, bloc-notes: Les mutations socio-spatiales dans un village de Transylvanie méridionale, face à la perennité des traditions: conflits ou adaptations? (Publication scientifique avec comité de lecture)

vendredi 16 août 2013

Les mutations socio-spatiales dans un village de Transylvanie méridionale, face à la perennité des traditions: conflits ou adaptations? (Publication scientifique avec comité de lecture)

Translated Title: Socio-Spatial Mutations in a South Transylvanian Village Facing the Perenity of Traditions: Conflicts or Adjustments?
Language: French
Subject: History of Culture
Publication: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica (Annals of "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia - Philology)
Issue: 13/2/2012
Page Range: 279-296
File size: 204 KB
Download Fee: 2.5 Euro (€)
Summary: Through the significant example of a village called Cărpiniş,
located in the Southern Carpathians, this article aims to show the existence of a
social , spatial and cultural opposition in search of a complementary way to
organize the space linked to a “traditional mentality” or that could be
considered as such, and facilities at odds with this vision, according to the
views of the “farmer villager”. A “farmer villager” who sees himself as a
“native” in comparison with the others that is to say the “foreigners”. We
emphasize the concept of a“hybrid village” to describe the changes that have
been taking place in this village of the Transylvanian countryside for decades.
We are going to argue that these social and spacial upheavals are related to the
emergence of new lifestyles, new ways of grasping space and time. Our work is
necessarily part of a multiscalar logic. Once the issues of our study described,
we will present the situation of the village of Cărpiniş part of the Romanian
space. Then we will focus on the rather singular socio-spatial setting, of this
village compared to other Romanian villages: a village held between the
“checkerboard” and the “village street”. So it is, may be through a “green
space” community, named “Poiana”, a unifying axis of socio-spatial practices
of the village, that lies the originality of this village “in the shadow of the
southern Carpathians”. We will see through the questioning of this community
nature of 'Poiana' by liberal land policy, and in fact by the arrival of new
residents in door-to-fake, in most cases with the “values” of this rural area,
that it’s a great part of the “closed" village solidarity which tends to disappear
gradually. We will have previously issued a definition of what is a “village” in
Romania, then by changing our scaling analysis we will focus on a different
spatial and social unit called “gospodarie” or “Maisnie”. Then we will look
into the way the older villagers designed their house. A design related as much
to economic imperatives as to a fulfillment of a “cosmic order” linked to a
“primordial tradition”. Before, it seems of the utmost importance to mention
the life of a “farmer-villager” of Transylvania from 1945 to 2012. The analysis
of the career of this native and his fellows shows what seems to us to be a
struggle to preserve his identity and a particular conception of time and spacethat we will qualify as “mythical and traditional”. This relationship to the
world of the “farmer villager” is in opposition to postmodernity which forces
quickly and rather radically a new socio-spatial and moral order to the
Transylvanian village. Nevertheless, we will see that in many respects, the
village retains some “mythical, "transhistorical"aspects”, We will therefore
insist on the fact that these changes are not only “material”, but also
symbolical. It is the mental space of the farmer villager which is upset here, and
brings about the formation of an
Keywords: Transylvanian village; socio-spatial changes; Romanian
rural area; post-modernity; tradition

  Lien : http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/issuedetails.aspx?issueid=0283a78e-baa2-4b7d-ab18-7e2a05edf483&articleId=8d33d22f-2417-4868-a470-cafc290ec242

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